Desert Sun Electric Light Parade

December is always a fun time for the Desert Sun family. We have Christmas to look forward to with our families, look forward to the new year, and we also take part in the local Christmas Electric Light Parades. This year we participated in 3 parades which included Casa Grande, Eloy, and Coolidge. We worked really hard on our float in which we made a train where all the kids could come aboard. Watch the video below to see our experience! When we are not doing air conditioning repair, we like get involved with the community and the Electric Light Parade is one of our favorite to be apart of.

3 Ways To Get Your Home Ready For The Summer

Trane Air Conditioning System
The Summer can get pretty rough, especially in middle to lower Arizona. During this time there isn’t anything more important than having air conditioning in your home. Here are 3 ways to get you home ready for the summer so you won’t have to suffer a hot day with out A/C.
1) Get your A/C serviced – it sounds simple yet it is the most effective way to find minor problems before they become big problems. Our A/C Repair technicians can quickly diagnosis a failing system or give recommendations on parts that may show signs of failing in the near future. Call or use our website to schedule an A/C Repair or Installation 
2) Change your filter – Another simple thing to do yet very important in keeping your air conditioning unit up and running. When you run your A/C with a dirty filter it can become plugged up and restrict airflow. It also can cause the coil to get dirty which can lead to other failures. If you are not able to change your filter because of physical aspects let us know during your service call and we can glad change it for you. If you need help changing the filter watch this tutorial on Youtube.
3) Look to Upgrade – The first two are for maintaining the currect system, this last one is to upgrade  your system to increase performance and efficiency. Of course as technology progresses, equipment becomes more efficient. Upgrading a system can increase your cooling performance while also lowering utility cost. This is recommend for older air conditioning systems that are out of warranty. Take a look at Trane’s website to research some equipment that may benefit you.
There are many ways to prepare for summer, but air conditioning is one of the more important ones espcially in Casa Grande, Arizona

First Day of Spring

Today marks the first day of Spring for 2014. And as we all know, Summer comes right after at no surprise. Right now the temperatures feel comfortable enough to leave your air conditioner running maybe 2 hours, 1 hour, or not at all. However temperatures will quickly climb and the worse possible thing that can happen is your air conditioner breaking down in mid-summer. It is always good to check that air conditioner before the Summer and make sure that it has no clear signs of breaking down. Because just about every air conditioning company is swamped in June and July, and the chances of getting service right away is very slim. So call quickly, it pay off in the long run.

Call Desert Sun Heating, Cooling & Refrigeration Inc. if you are in the Casa Grande, Eloy, Arizona City, Coolidge, Florence, Maricopa or Sacaton region in Arizona.


When your Air Conditioning Unit is broken, do you Repair it or Replace it?

This is a re-post from our website blog on the Desert Sun Heating, Cooling & Refrigeration Website. This topic gets talked a lot in the air conditioning industry and has some different viewpoints on it. When deciding what to do there are a few things to look for.


1) Age of the air conditioning system

2) Cost to get current system up and running again

3) Energy Efficiency of current vs a new


Age of the Air Conditioning System


Nothing lasts forever and an air conditioning system is no exception to that. The typical life span of an air conditioning system is between 10-15 Years. How you maintain your unit greatly affects the life of the system. If your unit is broken and is 10+ years, I would greatly consider replacing a unit if the repairs are over $500. Which brings us to our next reason.


Cost to get current system up and running again


The older your air conditioning system is the lower the cost of the repairs have to be before air conditioning replacement starts making sense. If your unit is still under warranty, you can get away with half the cost of repairs and that may be the better route to go. If not consider replacement.


Energy Efficiency of current vs a new


Technology for the most part gets better over time. Air conditioning systems are getting more efficient by the year and todays basic systems are usually an upgrade from a 10-year old system. There are now A/C systems that run on 2 stages which is like having 2 air conditioners that run at different capacities so that it saves you money on your electric bill.




It is a tough decision to make especially when its 90+ degrees in your home and it has to be made fast. If you follow these few tips it may help make your decision alot easier and can save you money in the long run. If your unit is fairly new (5 years or younger) than repair makes more sense if unit is under warranty. If the unit is older (older than 5 years) than replacement will probably be better in the long run.